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Add Spice To Your Holidays
Install Holiday Lights

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    Qualified Christmas Light Installation Professionals

    In 2024, Stern Gutters joined CLIPA (Christmas Light Installation Pros Association and completed its rigorous training program. 
    CLIPA has 8 thousand members, and its mission is to better the industry and provide consumers with a network of properly trained and qualified Christmas Light Installation Professionals who will ensure that their customer satisfaction level is as high as possible. 
    Stern Gutters will build on its commitment to customer service by delivering impactful light aesthetics to your home’s roof lines and yards. CLIPA team is standing by to support Stern Gutters in designing holiday light solutions that excel in their curb appeal and meet industry safety standards.
    Below are select examples of what Stern Gutters can deliver to your home – and we absolutely will customize the solutions to your home!
    Schedule your assessment now.